Friday, November 21, 2014

Shocking things you never new about Uhuru Kenyatta, from the book "Hard Tackle"

He is the President of Kenya.

But what do you know about him apart from the fact that his father was the first Kenyan president?Here are some shocking revelations from a book written by Al Jazeera's journalist

1. After voting at Gatundu, Uhuru migrated for a week and went to live with one of her mother’s best friends who has an estate right opposite Bomas of Kenya.

2. Every time Uhuru meets his mother, he bows down when greeting her like a medieval knight. This goes also for Muhoho Kenyatta.

3. When he was circumcised, he didn’t go home to recuperate. John Michuki adopted him for a few months and Uhuru lived at his place in Ridgeways, sharing a bedroom with Martin Michuki, also a former classmate whom they shared a knife.

4. He met Justin Muturi in 1988, when they were both bachelors, in a club in Thika and both were stone high. Justin was the local magistrate and the two became bosom buddies to date.

5. He takes dry whisky, and occasionally Tusker Malt.

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