Friday, November 28, 2014

#KOT. Why the hashtag #MyPresidentMyChoice is trending

#KOT are known to be one of the most hilarious people in the world with their jokes, humor and sometimes seriously attacking whoever they feel has trolled them. One Bigwig blogger started the trend #StopTheDrunkPresident Read It Here. The office of the president and its PR tried to counter the #StopTheDrunkPresident.

The  #MyPresidentMyChoice was thus started. It was however used by the #StopTheDrunkPresident to troll and mock President Kenyatta's handling of security in Kenya.

There was a brief twitter war between the two hash tags with lots of humor and ingenuity. Here are some hilarious tweets that Trending Nairobi News (TNN) picked....

President among the most influential Africans 2014

 10 hours ago
Rem a man swallowing a coconut has full faith on hs anus,so I still trust hm to deliver he's factual

2017 I will vote for a strong selfless leader not a selfie leader. ......Drops mic moves on......

The president was not my choice however as a tax paying citizen, I have a right to security. If not legalise, firearms

The arrogance in this goes to tell what Jubilee is. A bunch of egocentric individuals unwilling to listen to concerns

When 28 proletariat die in the bourgeoisie respond by . Enyewe Kenya needs salivation

So there is a statehouse hashtag to deal with Kenyans questions over the last few days. really guys? Twitter war?

Before we move on, should apologize to the mother of the 3-year old gang rape victim he said was partly responsible.

Overall inflation rate dropped 21% from 8.36% Aug to 6.6% Sept due to drop electricity tariff Oct Nov ???

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