Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Breaking News: RAILA's JAKAKIMBA and ENG. ONKUNDI Resign from ODM after Direct nomination of Moses Kajwang

CORD and indeed ODM seems to be loosing ground after Rial's heavy weights resigned from the party citing undemocratic principles by the party and its leaders.

Silas Jakakimba, a Raila Odinga aide rsigned with immediate effect as he felt that he was denied an opportunity to view for the Homabay senetorial seat that fell vacant after the death of Otieno Kajwang. The resgnations comes after ODM announced their preferred candidate as Moses Kajwang, a brother to the deceased senator.

Here is Jak's resgnation letter

In a quick rejoinder, Eng. Philip Okundi also tendered his resgnation for the same reasons as Jakakimba. Okundi's resgnation read in part:

It is with a very heavy heart that I write to inform you that I have decided to resign my membership of Orange Democratic Movement Party of Kenya (ODM) from today.
I have no words to express my pain and disgust at the decision imposed on ODM Election board today,in full disregard of the opinion poll and interviews carried out, it is an insult to the people of Homa Bay County and my candidature after a decade of sacrifice and unwavering commitment to the ODM party.I can no longer stomach the deceit and treachery ODM as a party prefers on its members from Homa Bay County.
In view of this, I present to the people of Homa Bay County an opportunity to decide on February 12th 2015.
Hon.Eng.Phillip Okoth Okundi.

It is indeed a big blow to the ODM party as recent polls indicated that Raila Odinga is loosing ground. However, Raila has 9 lives and never should you count him out until.....he knows when.

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