Thursday, November 27, 2014

#KOT. Why the Hashtag #StopTheDrunkPresident is trending

#KOT = Kenyans On Twitter.

They are known to viciously attack whoever crosses their way. Not even the mighty CNN, Nigerians, Ugandans, NBC, South Africa etc who have crossed their path have been spared. They attack with some of the hilarious and ingenious tweets ever but with lots of humor too.

Fast forward to the hashtag #StopTheDrunkPresident.

This was after some terrorist and bandit attacks that have left several Kenyans and policemen dead. So the president advised Wananchi that security starts with them and police cannot be everywhere. As always, KOT felt that they pay for security and its the responsibility of the government to safeguard them.

Here is what Uhuru said about (in)security that angered Kenyans after a small girl was raped in Nyeri County

Here are some of the most hilarious tweets that we picked, Alas!

I see what you did there young man . I know most tweeps must be taking this literally !

If Uhuru was not drunk when he was making the rape speech, this country is in deep trouble

Killings in Mandera,Murder in Kapedo,Massacre in Mpeketoni, Curfew in Lamu...and we citizens are to blame,,

RT : :D " Insecurity is too much even girls don't have safe days " true

is rude, no? Wait till you hear him singing Drunk in the love Kenyans have for me. Ha ha haa

President blaming citizens instead of his security agents is worrying.

Ati president with capital PR. Btw, how's holding up against ?

he has been introduced to ole lenku and kimaiyos foolishness.they must be drinking mates

he is either touring the world or in meetings whose agendas are never implemented.

he thought its time for selfies after offering chai to the comes social media.

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